Working in Finland – Information for Immigrants in 13 Languages
JOB MARKET PORTAL When searching for jobs, you should always log in to the Job Market Portal, which serves as a meeting place for jobs and job seekers. On the Job Market Portal, you will find information related to working life, services, and open job positions. When you log in to the Job Market Portal, you can create, for example, a job seeker profile or a job advertisement. The Job Market Portal also provides comprehensive instructions for transactions.
You can get more information and guidance on job searching or recruiting employees from the employment area and the Job Market Portal after the turn of the year.
Do you need help with job search?
Contact Ida Strandberg at the Integration Services, 044 7851 586, or Susann Gleisner, 044 055 9812, You can also visit the The Service Point for Newcomers.
If you are under 30 years old, you can get help with job searching through Ehjä:
Elin Andersson 050 307 1117
Anne-Lie Nyman 050 321 2170.
For Employers
An information kit for the employer about things needed, when employing a foreigner.