This page contains information from the authorities for people from Ukraine who have arrived in Finland.

Workers’ rights in Finland:

Instructions on arriving in Finland from Ukraine

Information on applying for a municipality of residence : Information in Ukrainian: Інструкції для українців

The instructions on this page are intended for persons arriving from Ukraine who have been granted a residence permit on the basis of temporary protection. 

Інструкції для українців

Instructions on arriving in Finland from Ukraine:

Що я повинен робити прибувши з України до Фінляндії:

Migri asks for advance information about transport of Ukrainians to Finland:

Temporary protection for those fleeing Ukraine:

Emergency Social Services and Crisis Services. Call us when you have an urgent need for social assistance 06 218 9555. Open 24 hours a day: (in Swedish)

The health risks of Ukrainian pets should be recognised:

Домашні тварини, щоі супроводжують осіб, які рятуються від війни в Україні:

Information: Information for people offering help in the Ukraine crisis: (in Finnish)