Most of our hobby courses are held in Finnish, but many of our teachers are also fluent in English and Swedish. If you want to know more about a specific course, feel free to contact our office. Contact information is down below.

Enrolment for courses held in autumn 2022 and spring 2023 starts on 22 August at 8.00. You can enroll yourself online at, by calling the office 044 785 1256 (Office hours 9–12 and 13–16) or visiting us at the office, located at Koulukatu 25–27 A, 2nd floor.

Työväenopisto’s office is located in Strengbergs building on the 2nd floor, address Koulukatu 25–27 A.

For enrolment we will need your contact information, so we can contact you about possible changes to the course.

If you need to cancel your enrolment, please contact the office seven days before the course starts. You can cancel your enrolment either by calling the office 044 785 1256, emailing us at or visiting us at the office.

Payment and Benefits

A bill for the courses will be send approximately three weeks after the course has started. The bill will arrive by mail or electronically to your online bank. You can also use exercise and culture benefits from your employer (Smartum, ePassi, TyKy+ and Edenred) to pay for the course fee.

To pay with culture or exercise benefit vouchers or electronical vouchers you need to bring them to the office no later than three weeks from when the course has started. If the bill for the course has already been sent, your benefits cannot be applied to the course fee.

Unemployment, Senior and Immigrant Benefits

If you are living in Pietarsaari or in Luoto and are unemployed you can attend two courses in autumn semester and spring semester for free. You can choose the courses freely. To apply for free courses you need to bring a certification of being an active job seeker to the office in three weeks time from the course’s starting date. You can get the certification from the local Employment and Economic Development Office (TE-toimisto).

Contact us

Pietarsaaren suomenkielinen työväenopisto

Pietarsaaren suomenkielinen työväenopisto

Culture, Culture and Leisure time, Workers' institute

044 785 1256

Anni Päivärinta

Anni Päivärinta

Course Secretary

Culture, Workers' institute

044 785 1256

Maria Hudd

Maria Hudd

Vice principal

Culture, Workers' institute

044 785 1291