Social connections are important, but it is easy to feel overwhelmed as a newcomer. Creating networks and getting to know locals require places where you meet. Associations and spare time activities offers that! Welcome to join!
This is how it works!
1. Sign up and get matched
2. Visit an association or a spare time activity together
3. Evaluate and report
Are you a newcomer who wants to find spare time activities? Sign up and get matched with a volunteer. Get together and find the right activity for you!

Would you like to sign up as a spare time volunteer? You’ll be matched with a newcomer and visit a spare time activity or association together. As a volunteer you get to know a person from another culture and at the same time open the door to your own. The assignment as a spare time volunteer only takes a few hours of your time. Interested?

People participating in the spare time volunteer model are not insured by the town of Jakobstad. Participation is at your own risk.
The spare time volunteer model has been developed by the project Associations For All 1.3.2020–31.8.2022. The project was funded by the European Social Fund and Svenska Kulturfonden.