Early childhood education in Pietarsaari uses an electronic system for registering attendance and booking treatment. The system is also available as a mobile application.

The name of the system is Päikky and registration takes place with the mobile phones of the early childhood education center. When the child arrives at the kindergarten, a so called “tag” is scanned with the phone to make the registration. The procedure is the same before the child goes home. The tag does not contain any information whatsoever about the child; it is merely a number to identify the child in the system. If you happen to forget the tag; registration can also be done manually on the phone.

You can find more information about this in the enclosed instructions, and the kindergarten/daycare personnel can also help if need be.

Instructions for parents – how to start in Päikky

Instructions for legal guardians – How to get started with Päikky

How to use Päikky on the phone?

There is also a daycare reservation function included in the system.

Parents should make reservations for the daycare hours for the following week at least a week in advance; this is done on the computer. The enclosed instructions contain more information about this as well. The reservation is used as the basis for the daycare fees.

Päikky’s instructions

User instructions for Päikky (Finnish)

User instructions for Päikky (Swedish)

The reason for implementing this system is to utilize the available technique so as to make more time for the children, as well as make it easier to plan the working hours for the personnel and daycare activities.

If you need additional information, please consult the manager of the kindergarten/daycare.

Log in to Päikky