Jakobstad’s Water informs on 20 October
The iron content in the water going out from the waterworks is now clearly within the ideal. The test results from the production control shows 0,07 mg/l, when the ideal level is below 0,2 mg/l. The work now continues with getting the iron out of the distribution system.
Even though the water that now is produced is of good quality, it will probably take a few days before most of the customers have good water in the taps. The water quality is increasing at a different pace in different areas of the town, which means that some customers will see an improvement sooner than others.
Because of this, the water distribution at the town square and on Företagarvägen 24 will continue as self-service at 10.00–20.00 over the weekend. The distribution is stopped during night to prevent the taps from freezing.