Jakobstad Offers First-class Opportunities for Businesses

The Jakobstad Region Development Company, Concordia, promotes regional businesses. Concordia helps enterprises launch and develop their operations in Jakobstad. Read more on Concordia’s website.

We are very proud that the Jakobstad region has a very versatile industrial structure. Logistic connections are excellent as the town has, in addition to the port, a railroad connection all the way to the town centre, and the Kokkola-Jakobstad airport is also nearby. There is no shortage of skilled workforce in the bilingual Jakobstad, and the town can offer real estate for a wide range of needs.

More information about industrial structure, businesses and trade can be found in Concordia’s information services.

Many well-known brands, such as Nautor, Friends & Brgrs and Snellman, for example, originate from Jakobstad. A list of the largest employers is found here.

We wish all new entrepreneurs warmly welcome to Jakobstad! – A Little Town with a Big Heart